Be honest. Ensuring that you have fully thought through the impact of projects on your teams, leaders and clients before your big kick-off meeting sounds strenuous and time consuming – and is about as exciting as watching paint dry to your PMO and business leaders. But what IS exciting is what pulling Change Management planning upfront in your projects could mean for your Project Management Office and team: more impact with less headaches. We’re talking about activities that get results that are meaningful, measurable and monetizable.
Perhaps more importantly, implementing change management early focuses on and frees up your most precious resource of all: Brain Power. This means your team can spend more time thinking, innovating and solving your organization’s biggest questions — which plants your team squarely at the table of influencers and elevates them from tactical service delivery to an indispensable strategic partner to the organization. Now, how’s that for exciting?
The key, however, is planning for and implementing change in the right way and in the right place. But how is that accomplished? Participants in this session will walk away with strategies for transforming their project organizations, including:
• Knowing the 3 most essential questions Project leaders need to ask right now about every process in their organization.
• Understanding exactly why a combined PM/CM team focused on managing change is mission-critical to your PMOs success in continuous-improvement-focused organizations.
• Implementing 5 specific tools, that when used have proven success in reducing cost, improving efficiency and most importantly, hitting key business success criteria on our projects.
PMI Talent Triangle:Power Skill (Leadership) [PDU]