The Art of Ethical Influence – Rick A. Morris

    One of the greatest misconceptions in project management is that the project manager “owns” the project. However, what does the project manager own? The resources? The budget? The scope? The reality is that the project manager does not own these decisions, rather the project manager influences the decisions. John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”

    Rick Morris will explore how to influence key areas of a project ethically and responsibly. How do you influence dates? How do you get the resources you deserve? How do you handle the typical conflict that dooms projects before they even start? How do you deal with methodology changes? How can you influence waterfall requests in an Agile world? Rick will review time tested techniques and reveal the art of ethical influence in a keynote presentation that you do not want to miss!

    PMI Talent Triangle: Business Acumen (Strategic and Business Management) [0.75 PDU]

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